Unique community investment effort brings success for State Senator

Hannaian News

Community News

State Senator Brings Relief to Disadvantaged Communities with Unique Programs
Wednesday, January 12, 2000

Who was it that first said that one man can make a difference? For the past ten years or more Senator Roscoe Dixon from the 33rd District of Tennessee has done something many of his colleagues around the Country have only tried to do.

Dixon has represented the same areas in the Tennessee General Assembly for many years first as a State Representative and more recently in the State Senate. His district encompasses a mixture of inner city and suburban areas in Memphis Tennessee. He has always seen the contrast and difference in these areas as a special challenge to bring communities together.

Senator Dixon making a point

His initiatives have centered on a unique form of rebuilding and revitalization of the communities within his constituency. Dixon has long been known for his Kitchen Cabinet, a Saturday morning breakfast meeting and brainstorming approach involving community leaders in the process of governing. For years he has encouraged inner city residents and economically disenfranchised groups to use the basic elements responsible for economic growth in America as a means of local community economic development. This insight led to the establishment of two highly successful community investment groups.

Hannaian C.E.O.,
Dr. Harlington Hanna suggesting self reliance to Hamilton Heights leadership group

In bringing direction and focus to his constituents he reaches out and brings into the communities innovative ideas and approaches to the solutions needed. He recently invited Intellectual Property attorney and Hannaian U.S.A. Corp., C.E.O. Harlington Hanna Jr. to address the Hamilton Community Initiative leadership group on Hannaian's unique Intellectual Property approach to investment research and procurement. The Hannaian Intellectual Property Stock (HIPS) Portfolio produced potential gains as high as 4,450% in the past year. The HIPS Research System was designed specifically to provide market access and investment opportunities for the average small budget investor typical of Dixon's constituents. A recent report on the effectiveness of the Hannaian Intellectual property Stock research reports can be viewed at the company's web portal at

The Hamilton Community Initiative currently two years old is patterned after another of Dixon's revolutionary community initiatives, The Memphis Area Neighborhood Development Corp., (MANDCO). MANDCO set the stage for Dixon's string of successes by producing a dramatic revitalization of a downgraded community. Among other accomplishments, this effort renovated over two hundred homes. The Hamilton Heights Initiative is already starting to see some of its objectives addressed. Home renovation and crime prevention are already taking hold.

Hamilton Heights leadership group ponders their options

A new program entitled The Summer Enrichment 2000 Program, which places 50 neighborhood children in an intense summer course to upgrade their life skills, including business and investment training is already underway. In his community revitalization efforts Dixon has had some interesting help along the way. The Tennessee Department of Corrections has provided work groups to give regular assistance in his neighborhood clean up efforts. Dixon is especially proud of this assistance because work group members also benefit from their rehabilitative participation in the process. He feels their involvement strengtens their appreciation for the need to protect and maintain communituies.

"The emphasis on inner city residents improving their own communities through investments in what has made America great and what has not traditionally been a part of inner city communities is what is needed" stated Dixon following Hannaian C.E.O. Hanna's address to a recent Hamilton Heights Community's Luncheon program.

Dixon greeting Dept. Correction work group

Dixon and Hanna both stressed the need for the group to become proactive in the investment world. They emphasized that although inner city residents and communities have traditionally been disenfranchised from access to investment tools and information, it is now easier than ever to change this pattern. Both stressed that in the long run this is what is needed to make and keep a community vibrant and successful.

Described as a reserved thoughtful civic leader Dixon shares a word of advice with a long time resident and leader in the Hamilton Heights community

Dixon and two long time supporters and community leaders greet each other

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