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The Hannaian Charitable Trust (HCT) The Institute's HarVic Center For International Technology Transfer ((HCITT) also serves in identifying and establishing the major priorities and activities of The Hannaian Charitable Trust (HCT), the arm of the Hannaian International Group that sponsors charitable contributions to deserving causes within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The Hannaian International Group, a family owned business, was initially established to conduct socially conscious research and investments in intellectual property rich emerging growth companies. Its dedication to socially conscious endeavors is reflected in the charitable contributions of HCT to deserving causes within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas identified and aligned with Harvic initiatives. HarVic Center for International Technology Transfer (HCITT) Community & International Technology Transfer (ITT) for Economic Development
The United Nations has
identified the transfer of
intellectual property based
technology as an essential
element in the success of the
educational systems and the economic development of
developing countries and
The HarVic Center For International Technology Transfer ((HCITT) provides to government, community, educational agencies, research and ancillary services necessary for successful educational systems, and economic development. HarVic assists government, community and education agencies and leaders in researching, planning, and accessing resources needed for the continued economic development of their constituencies. The Technology Transfer expertise and services available through HCITT facilitates access to numerous national and international sources of funding, and other resources needed for effective community economic development in the highly competitive global environment. HarVic has initiated two programs designed to provide unique services to developing economies and communities; The Initiative for the Preservation of Indigenous Talent (IPIT) The Initiative for the Preservation of Indigenous Talent (IPIT), conducts research and provides services to assist in the brain drain problems these communities and economies suffer in the modern global economy. The Initiative for the Protection of Indigenous Intellectual Property (IPIIP) The Initiative for the Protection of Indigenous Intellectual Property (IPIIP), conducts research and provides services to assist in the protection and commercialization of the indigenous intellectual property and capital existing in these developing communities and economies. United Nations Technology Transfer Initiatives The following excerpts from publications of United Nations agencies, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) further emphasize the importance of Intellectual Property based Technology Transfer;
Compendium of International
Arrangements on Transfer of
Technology : Selected
Instruments .....The abilities to create new technology and to acquire and adapt successfully technologies from both external and internal sources are critical determinants of a country’s ability to compete successfully. While this applies to all countries, it is evident that the transfer of technology from foreign sources and from international and domestic research institutes represents a potent source of technological information particularly for developing countries. The challenge is to establish and maintain effective access to this information and to devise mechanisms for deploying it effectively within an economy. Technological knowledge includes both the know how of processes for producing goods and services and the organizational and management information needed to produce and distribute it efficiently. Such technology is embedded in machinery, equipment, licensing agreements, and managerial skills. Opportunities to learn also occur through other means such as training and access to the global stock of scientific and technical information. A key component of any transfer process is the effective transfer of the skills and intangible know how that ensure production capability. UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on IPRs
and Sustainable Development .....Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have never been more economically and politically important or controversial than they are today. Patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, integrated circuits and geographical indications are frequently mentioned in discussions and debates on such diverse topics as public health, food security, education, trade, industrial policy, traditional knowledge, biodiversity, biotechnology, the Internet, the entertainment and media industries. In a knowledge based economy, there is no doubt that an understanding of IPRs is indispensable to informed policy making in all areas of human development. .....Intellectual property was until recently the domain of specialists and producers of intellectual property rights. The TRIPS Agreement concluded during the Uruguay Round negotiations has signaled a major shift in this regard. The incorporation of intellectual property rights into the multilateral trading system and its relationship with a wide area of key public policy issues has elicited great concern over its pervasive role in peoples lives and in society in general. Developing country members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) no longer have the policy options and flexibilities developed countries had in using IPRs to support their national development. But, TRIPS is not the end of the story. Significant new developments are taking place at the international, regional and bilateral level that build on and strengthen the minimum TRIPS standards through the progressive harmonization of policies along standards of technologically advanced countries. The challenges ahead in designing and implementing IP policy at the national and international levels are considerable. ......International technology transfer (ITT) is a comprehensive term covering mechanisms for shifting information across borders and its effective diffusion into recipient economies. Thus, it refers to numerous complex processes, ranging from innovation and international marketing of technology to its absorption and imitation. Included in these processes are technology, trade, and investment policies that can affect the terms of access to knowledge. Policy making in this area is especially complex and needs careful consideration, both by individual countries and at the multilateral level. .....Markets for exchanging technologies are inherently subject to failure due to appropriability problems, spillovers, asymmetric information, and market power. Thus, there is strong justification for public intervention. However, interests in shaping such intervention are not uniform. Technology developers are interested in reducing the costs and uncertainty of making transfers, along with protecting their rights to profit from such transfers. They argue that effective protection and policy supports for markets are necessary to increase the willingness of innovative firms to provide knowledge of their production processes to firms in developing countries. Technology importers are interested in acquiring knowledge at minimal cost. Some observers argue that this objective is best met by refusing to protect the rights of foreign firms to profit from such transfers, or at least to restrict sharply their exclusive rights to exploit technology. It is to address some of these questions that the joint UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development was launched in July 2001. One central objective has been to facilitate the emergence of a critical mass of well-informed stakeholders in developing countries including decision makers, negotiators but also the private sector and civil society who will be able to define their own sustainable human development objectives in the field of IPRs and effectively advance them at the national and international levels. If you are interested in having the Hannaian Research Institute and the HarVic Center work with your government agency or community organization in your economic development initiatives utilizing our expertise in Technology Transfer processes please contact us or complete the following preliminary information form. |
Hannaian International
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