Martin County Investment Summit 2001 ...Luncheon Gallery 5 ..Actually more conference pictures

Conferences | Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 | Gallery 8 | Gallery 9 | Gallery 10 | Gallery 11 | Gallery 12 | Luncheon 1 | Luncheon 2 | Luncheon 3 | Luncheon 4 | Luncheon 5 | Hannaian Publishing

Atty Ed Dixon makes a strong point

Audience participation & teaching ....Eric Godet discusses and investment point with Monica Anderson

Audience participation & teaching ....Same here Angelita Browne and Dr. Elsa Wilson listen to discussion from the audience

The One Martin Initiative .Mr. Charles Benton of the Business Development Board and the One Martin Team presents

Beautiful original art prints were auctioned and sold by Artist Nelson Smith

Discussing the ANatomy of a Contract with Food Scientist Jules Rault CEO of Rault Foods

Alvino Monk, International Trade Consultant

Sheila Berkel & Malvern Williams

The Film and Television Consultants ...Darrell Lee, and Mr. and Mrs Nickerson

Toni Greer, Intellectual Property manager & Specialist presents on the important commercial and legal aspects of intellectual proppertyt

Corporarte Attorney Rev. Yvonne Chatman-Hendri, & Judge Felicia Hogan smile at an amusing point

Toni Greer, Intellectual Property manager & Specialist

Sir Arlington Butler speaks on international business affairs

Is james Covington trying to get the jump on everyone else by trading and putting the information he just received in a session to man.

Martin County Investment Summit 2001 ...Luncheon Gallery 5 ..Actually more conference pictures

Conferences | Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 | Gallery 8 | Gallery 9 | Gallery 10 | Gallery 11 | Gallery 12 | Luncheon 1 | Luncheon 2 | Luncheon 3 | Luncheon 4 | Luncheon 5 | Hannaian Publishing