Martin County Investment Summit 2001 ...Gallery 4

Conferences | Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 | Gallery 8 | Gallery 9 | Gallery 10 | Gallery 11 | Gallery 12 | Luncheon 1 | Luncheon 2 | Luncheon 3 | Luncheon 4 | Luncheon 5 | Hannaian Publishing

Dr. H, Joe Kyles, Alvino Monk, Milton Lockhart,Congresswoman Brown, Ambassador Butler, & Eric Taylor

Dr. H & Congresswoman Brown have a chat

Discussing Business

Brent Mckenzie & partner look over some paper work

Robert Bartlett takes notes

Steve Deveaux demonstartes an investment technique to sir Arlington Butler & Dawn Marshall

Ambassador Sir Arlington Butler holds discusses international business issues in a private investment session

Lady Sheila Butler & Ambassador Sir Arlington Butler

Congresswoman Brown, Mrs. Joe Kyles & Gospel Singer Shirley Green in the sessions

Two of the Martin County Commissioners attending the Conference

Atty Kim Richardson and the high tech presentation on Securities Filngs

Demonstrating movement on the live trading screen

Legal questions about investment matters discussed

Dr. Hanna making a point to the youngsters

Dr. Jackson says A OK

Gallery 4

Conferences | Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6 | Gallery 7 | Gallery 8 | Gallery 9 | Gallery 10 | Gallery 11 | Gallery 12 | Luncheon 1 | Luncheon 2 | Luncheon 3 | Luncheon 4 | Luncheon 5 | Hannaian Publishing